Erm....While we're on the subject, here is something that may help Watchtower followers in their quest to find evidence that the first century Christians went from door-to-door preaching. It is a fragment of an ancient ms found on my carpet the other day. It was written in the original Gibberish and has been translated by Prof Moggs my iconic cat.
"Yea, verily, it was the first day of the week and after giving a stimulating six hour public talk on the subject of How to Grovel before the Glorious GB, and having led the congregation in a two hour Manuscript Study based on the latest missal sent by the GB, the Epistle Paul did gather the faithful at the rear of the Kingdumb Hall to pair them off for the field service.
And Paul did take Timon of Athens son of Jeffery the shoe height for verily was he small of stature, and Priscilla had her spouse Aquila as a partner, although he was not desirous to go verily on this work since he desired to see the the bootball match, for verily it was the Grand Finals and the East Coast Romans were playing off against the South Spartans.
And all were paired off except for Malcolm the Malodorous who had bad breath, for verily did no one desire to go with him. And look! The Epistle Paul did go once with him, but cutting short the work, did forswear mightily, Never again with that one.
And Paul and Timon did verily call on Eddy the Inebriate, and look! did not the Epistle Paul give a mighty witness to the name of Jibberjabber at the door? Yea, verily. And Paul did tell of how bad and evil the present System of Unwanted Things was, and how Jabberer was going to destroy this System of Unwanted Things tomorrow at tea time, and if but Eddy the Inebriate was interested, the Epistle Paul would gladly start up a six month Manuscript Study in the latest codex of GB statements entitled "Latest Codex of GB Statements"
And verily did Eddy say "I do believe....." and Paul did bless him and his household and did offer the latest manuscript for a donation of six Sistares, and verily did Eddy say "Verily I do believe I shall have another drink" And Paul did execrate and thunder against him, and ripping his garments asunder, he did walk away. And yea verily the garments he ripped asunder was that of Timon of Athens, son of Jeffrey the shoe height for he was small of stature, and verily and forsooth did he sue the Epistle Paul for it was fine raiment purchased at Claudius and Binky's - Haberdashers of renown.
And Priscilla and Aquila did call on the door of Joe, son of Hector the Hammer for verily was he he a blacksmith, and Roger the Knitter, for verily were they that sort of family. And fluttering her eyelashes at hm, for look! he was comely and he found favour in her eyes, she like the Epistle Paul did give a mighty witness to you-know-who's name, for verily had she been well trained, being for years in the ministry school.
And she offered her latest manuscript to the comely youth who, besotted by Aquila, agreed to purchase the manuscript and look! did he not agree to a free six month Manuscript study, after being told that this System of Unwanted Things would at tea time tomorrow? Yea verily.
And at the end of a stimulating day of witnessing, the faithful did gather back at the Kingdumb Hall and there was much rejoicing for the Glorious GB had been magnified among the people who were agog with apathy. And all had placed literature on a contribution and all were well pleased, except the Epistle Paul who had placed nothing.
And verily, storming out in a rage, forsooth did he tell all that they had better put in their hours pronto, to be sent to the GB for their Annual Boasting Assembly to be held at Ephesus in the summer.
Meanwhile, In Corinth, The Apostle Paul, Envoy of those called "Christians", was testifying to The Lord Jesus Christ when the Gov....."
Unfortunately the manuscript breaks off here.
This translation was made by Moggy Wonder, the Iconic Cat, and the Spoiltest cat in Christendom, from an ancient manuscript written on a breezy afternoon last week. How she did it of course is a wonder in itself considering that she reads the text upside down and from left to right. And she needs glasses. Mine.
With apologies to Prof Python; Monty, of BBC University.